Monday, September 16, 2013

Sept 2 - Week 14: Plot Twist!

Well, Howdy!
This week has seen many interesting events. It's one of those weeks that starts one way and ends completely different in a way you never would imagine. They weren't kidding when they told me the mission take me to places and situations I never imagined.
The week started with a rather successful FHE. I have introduced Do You Love Your Neighbor to Novi Sad. I think I've created a monster. They LOVE it! It was so much fun and we had a couple non-member friends come. Everyone got really involved! I think you'll be seeing a Do You Love Your Neighbor revolution from Serbia in the news soon.
The major plot twist was revealed on Tuesday. We were working on English fliers when we got a call. I was going home on a medical leave and Sis E would be going to Sremska. 
Let me clear things up so there isn't confusion or potentially awkward moments in the grocery store.
Medical Release: Honorable release from mission duties for medical reasons. Reapplication to mission is required in order to go out into the field.
Medical Leave: A period of time to recover and/or figure out medical issues. Still a missionary, so still counts on clock. Still wear the badge and follow mission rules as possible. Can turn into medical release, reassignment, or return to original area.
Yes. I can talk to you. Yes. You may ask me who/where my companion is. Do I feel weird here? yeah.
Saying good-bye to our English class was surprisingly emotional. I've become attached to those silly little bubice (bugs). They were rather disappointed too. Good thing the Elders are so amazing. I also had my very first milka bar.
The next day we went to Sremska to drop off Sis E with her new trio. I ended up going to Zagreb with the Babbels. They're the senior couple in Rijeka, but Elder Babbel is a patriarch and was giving blessings the previous night and that morning. 
First day of travel ended with a wonderful dinner discussion at the mission home. I wish everyone could see the President and the APs in action. I think Zagreb might be receiving a new member or two soon. The night ended with s'mores. How can you not feel the spirit?
I had an early morning flight to Munich, then D.C., then finally SLC. Literally the longest day of my life. I saw over 24 hours of sunlight. Thank goodness for the "relief society" I met in D.C. They made the last flight very enjoyable.
I was very blessed to come when I did. On Friday, I had the very unique opportunity to surprise my Grandpa by being apart of his very last session as an ordinance worker. It was very special. I can only imagine what it would be like to see your posterity in the temple and standing in front of them. I felt honored to be there. Maybe there is more to this medical leave then any one thinks.
The rest of the week has been spent in a cabin in the woods in the mountains in the rain. It's like nature's humidifier. 
Never a dull moment on the mission. Oh the places you'll go!

Until next week! 
Unless I bump into you somewhere. Haha

Sestra Farnsworth

 Pictures: (to come soon!)
-Finally seeing the beginning of a sunset
-Utah weather: If you don't like the weather just wait a few minutes.
-Do You Love Your Neighbor translation board. That in itself became a fun game of What Does Sestra Farnsworth Need to Fix. It was a blast. The dictionary let me down too many times. I'll never forget the word for "pants" now. See the A+ in the corner?

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